Our Services
Physical Therapy
One-on-One care delivered by a Doctor of Physical Therapy.
Expect the care you deserve. Experience the benefits of working with your physical therapist for the entire session.
Attendance based on your needs, not the impersonal convention of 2-3 times per week.
Meet your goals, overcome pain and injury with an approach that works for you with:
Manual Therapy: massage, stretching and/or joint mobilization
Therapeutic Exercise: stretching, strengthening and mobility work
Neuromusculare Re-education: improve control and coordination of your body and sport specific movements
Modalities: kinesiology taping, and/or cupping
Improve your mobility, flexibility, strength and coordination for performance gains.
Ideal for:
Runners: improve stride and reduce injury risk
Cyclists: reduce neck strain and fatigue
Surfers: reduce shoulder, neck and back strain with paddling
Barbell Athletes: improve overhead lifts or increase squat depth
Reduce stiffness & soreness from training, recover and prepare before competitions
Options include: stretching, massage, and/or cupping problem areas that slow you down.
Working too many hours at your desk/computer? A Stretch Session provided by a Doctor of Physical Therapy will leave you feeling refreshed and energized.
Options within session include:
trigger point release
local massage
PNF stretching
joint mobilization
kinesiology taping
Techniques/Treatments Available
Soft tissue mobilization/massage, stretching, and/or joint mobilization are used to reduce your pain and improve movement or flexibility.
Manual Therapy
A great addition to Manual Therapy techniques.
More popular in the United States since the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The “healing bruise” that is left behind from the technique was seen on many of the athletes.
The style of cups and the techniques have changed over time, but benefits of decompressing painful of stiff tissues is a great addition to manual therapy and exercise.
Therapeutic Exercise/Strength and Conditioning
Exercises used to build strength, flexibility/mobility and endurance.
These progress from a Physical Therapy program into a Performance Program.
In addition to the therapist’s hands, a tool can be used to provide soft tissue mobilization/massage.
This is referred to as Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue mobilization, (iASTM).
Kinesiology Taping
Taping has several applications.
One being a similar effect to cupping, providing a decompression to the underlying tissue, allowing for better flow of lymphatic fluid to reduce pain and swelling.
The other being input to your nervous system through your skin via the tape’s elastic properties, allowing more awareness in the area of your body it is applied to.
Neuromuscular Reeducation
Techniques to improve coordination or retrain how you move.
Some of these techniques include PNF, (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation), and DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization).